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One Piece Film: Gold - Cine Mike Popcorn Kokuchi
Rated: G - All Ages
Status: Finished Airing
Source: Other
Score: 6.37
Popularity: 7233
A TV collaboration between One Piece Film: Gold and TOHO Cinemas for the latter's grilled corn flavored popcorn being made for the former's nationwide film release.
One Piece reaching the peek of marketing, that's what that was. Just some other seak peak move to promote some flavored popcorn brand. Luffy is a big eater, he'll eat absolutely anything that smells of food, no matter how rotten or untrust it is, making him the judge in a food commercial sounds horrible on paper, but then again, the fans couldn't care less, you see your favorite character smashing some meth down their mouth, you do the same. Chopper and Usopp were there as well, so given how smart they both are (a trickster and a doctor), you'd have some more trust on Luffy's decision. Anyway, Idon't know why I'm even bothered by writing this review, I just couldn't leave this clean review section empty forever, and I'd encourage anyone to do the same, go out there and write something, it's good to improve your linguistic skills and can be of great help for some other person on the internet.