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Kimi ga Suki. The Animation
Rated: Rx - Hentai
Status: Finished Airing
Source: Manga
Score: 6.79
Popularity: 6431
"I love you." The three most beautiful words. I've already written a lot of reviews, but this is the first time I write something about a h*ntai. Why did I choose "Kimi ga Suki"? The answer can be said in one word: wholesome. Is "Kimi ga Suki" a normal anime? Certainly not, because the sex scenes are there. Still, it reminds you a lot of a wonderful romance anime. We experience four different couples in the two episodes who really love their partner more than anything else. It's just a short story, a snippet of their everyday life, but these are exactly the moments that define arelationship. You get to know your partner even better through the little things. Both episodes also start with a nice little OP song, which would also fit well in a romantic series. The only small negative point in my opinion is the animation in fact. You cannot call it a "Master Piece", as we know from "Pink Pineapple" before, when it comes to that point. Nevertheless, all movements are well and clearly shown. The increase in speed during the important scenes are also clearly noticeable. In conclusion, it can be said that "Kimi ga Suki" is one of the top choices for vanilla lovers. It's just wholesome, heartwarming, sweet and touching.
This is love in a cursed medium. I really don't review hentai. But after looking back on Kimi ga Suki for reasons I no longer remember, I thought I might as well leave a few thoughts on what I watched. Obviously, the normal evaluation method no longer works. Since the purpose of hentai is to arouse the audience lol. In that case, I just gave 9/10 because it uses romantic elements as well as traditional hentai setups that don't radiate off as forced in any sense. It is quite easy to fake anything in this medium, so long as sex is included. No one really cares. ButKimi ga Suki is different and generally seems to care about what it is presenting. The atmosphere is always intact relative to the characters and actual premise of the show, which is general real love. I didn't give this a 10/10 simply because, well, despite caring, there is no real substance. There are 2 relationships for every episode. This means everything is simple and to the point instead of developed to a level that would have been universally approved by those who like romance. You won't get fulfilling relationships here simply because there wasn't the time to do that here. Such an addition would have been the cherry on the top. But I won't fuss too much, you probably wouldn't too. The audiovisuals were pretty well made, I believe the OST was soothing and that there even is a legit OP which hentai never seems to use. Visuals were strong too, reminded me of Your Name but more condescended, and hentai I suppose. In any case, this is very enjoyable, and I would recommend this to everyone even if you hate hentai. Because this is a realistic representation of love that never seems to take the spotlight due to shit like NTR and rape being fetishes people seem to enjoy. But hey, who am I to judge lol. Oh right, I am supposed to talk about the sex. Well, errrrmm, it was alright, something you can't beat your meat to because of what I just said above. This is the wholesome.