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Shinkai (2020)
Rated: G - All Ages
Status: Finished Airing
Source: Original
Score: 7.37
Popularity: 10827
Music video arranged by Numa for the song Shinkai by Eve.
No reviews here so I will just write a short description of what to expect. First and foremost. Beautiful animations are to be seen with great music accompanying it. The camera shots and different angles here and there to elevate the visuals also make it more appealing. Short anime be it a music video or a commercial always have these great visuals to give it the most of its short timespan. With the narrative, I am sure there was one but I was so focused on visuals. I believe there is this girl in ruins of what looks to be desolate earth trying her hardest to reachthis other girl, she does this with an animal she had found along this journey. All in all, a good 4:25 mins to went to watching this. Would certainly recommend if you want to see more anime music videos. The power of short anime is not one to be underestimated. Shinkai is just more proof of that claim.