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Robot Trains
Rated: PG - Children
Status: Finished Airing
Source: Original
Rank: 18741
Popularity: 21346
Set in the "Train World" where all citizens are trains. However, among the residents there are special trains that can transform into robots, the Robot Trains. Featuring our 5 train heroes, with special powers: Kay, Alf, Duck, Selly and Victor - and their exciting adventures. Can the Robot Trains save the village from the evil dark forces that be? (Source: IMDB)
This is without a doubt, one of the most poorly executed, over-complicated and boring shows I've ever seen. I can only surmise that this was a result of a desperate brain storming session to come up with a show combining 2 things kids (which is this show's target audience) love - Trains & Robots, and this was the unfortunate result... //Spoiler warning// Story: The setting is a futuristic floating world populated with only Robot Trains (not 1 single human ever appears in this show, despite there being countless houses and buildings dotted about the landscape) and lines of track connecting worlds that have been cut off. Themain purpose of the Robot Trains is to restore power to and reconnect these isolated worlds, although what's supposed to happen after that is a complete mystery. To aid in this task the Robot Trains are given numerous upgrades from their depot, but again it's not often these are put to any real use, apart from the occasional scuffle with a Robot Train that has become "Bugged" for you see, there is a mysterious virus that takes over unsuspecting Trains - again this seems like a rushed decision to include these. When Robot Trains aren't connecting worlds or beating viruses, they seem to like training (ha!) and taking part in other competitions. 3 Art: Korea's CGI seems rather hit and miss, this however is fairly decent all things considered. The Trains looked better in their robot form compared to their Train form however. 6 Sound: The OP & ED songs are actually really good and catchy. The rest of the music and voice acting is fair, but nothing special. 5 Characters: Kay: Kay is the Anime's protagonist who has lost his memory so is often conflicted, as he is relied upon (a little too much frankly) by the other Trains to reconnect the isolated worlds and save his friends, but he often doubts or is unaware of his skills before he lost his memory. Duck: Duck is brave but often the underdog as his power-ups are inferior to others, but that doesn't stop him from helping out where he can. Duck can also operate on water. Selly: Selly oversees the communication and upgrades of the Robot Trains. Duke: Duke is the antagonist, he is jealous of Kay and wants to be the one to reconnect the worlds. There are many other characters but they play little part and are somewhat stereotypical of whatever nation their portraying. 3 Enjoyment: I'm someone who likes to understand why things happen - in all types of situations and media including Anime (which is probably to my detriment, but it's who I am and I can't really change that) needless to say that I didn't particularly enjoy this, It felt like a chore or punishment. 2 Overall: Would I recommend this? no, no I would not. A younger Anime fan may enjoy this (especially if they like Trains) if you want a short obscure anime to watch, this may interest you...? but there's way better things out there than this. 2